Final report: 5th World Water Forum: İstanbul 2009 = 5. Dünya Su Forumu / World Water Forum: (5th : 2009 Istanbul) - 190 p. : col. ill., fig.; 30 cm.

1. Messages 4
2. Overview of the Forum 10
3. Thematic Process 14
Theme 1 15
Theme 2 26
Theme 3 39
Theme 4 50
Theme 5 62
Theme 6 68
4. High Level Panels 82
5. Political Process 88
Heads of States Summit 88
Ministreal Process 89
Parliamentarians Process 97
Local Authorities Process 99
Local Authorities and Parliamentarians Dialogue 102

6. Regional Process 104
Africa 105
America 106
Asia-Pacific 107
Europe 108
Middle East and North Africa/Arab Countries 109
Mediterranean 110
In and Around Turkey Ill
7. Civil Society and Major Groups 112
Women 1 1 3
NGOs 115
Workers and Trade Unions 1 17
Business and Industry 117
Farmers 1 18
Speaker’s Corner. 1 19
Children’s Forum 121
Youth Forum 122
Water Fair. 123
8. EXPO & Water Fair. 128
9. Green Forum Initiative 130
10. Artistic Events 134
11. Prizes 138
12. Side Events 140
13. Media and Communications 160
14. E -Forum 162
15. Publications 166
16. Annex 168


Su sağlama -- Türkiye -- Kongreler
Water-supply -- Turkey -- Congresses
Su kaynaklarını geliştirme -- Türkiye -- Uluslararası işbirliği -- Kongreler
Water resources development -- Turkey -- International cooperation -- Congresses
Su politikaları -- Türkiye
Water policy -- Turkey
Su koruma
Water conservation

Sulak 333.91 WO.F [2009]
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